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I am a historian and theorist of architecture with a background in professional practice. Currently, I work as lecturer in cultural and architectural history at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU). I studied Architecture at the Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany, and received my Masters and PhD in Architectural and Urban History and Theory from the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London. My work focuses on the history and theory of modern and contemporary architecture and urban design, particularly in their social, cultural and political dimension. My earlier research investigated architecture and its networks and economies of production under late socialism. More recently, my work has shifted to questions of gender, sexuality and the body. I am particularly interested in ways that material objects and environments shape gendered subjectivities and orient their users’ bodies. My current research seeks to (re-)think notions of care through historical analysis of queer social infrastructures. My work usually combines methods including archival research, oral history, as well as discourse and visual analysis, and draws from a range of theories across the humanities and social sciences.

Photo: Lea Reutimann